Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Growing old...

Remember when you were little? You couldn't wait to grow up, could you? Yeah, me either. But little did we know what being 'grown up' would hold for us. Having to vote between two people who both have views you do not agree with. Having to work for people you do not really like. Having to come through adversity. Being knocked out of something you love to do because of an injury.... you name it, life throws it at you.

But it is how we handle these things life throws at us, to see how far we have really came throughout life. Its whether or not we get back up when something knock us down. Or its choosing the best person for the job out of the two candidates that you do not agree with. Its how you handle working for someone you cant really stand. Its how you handle a situation that goes wrong. Its how you handle what life throws at you.

In Micah 7:7-8 it says "Therefore I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; My God will hear me. Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; When I fall, I will arise; When I sit in darkness, The Lord will be a light to me."

The Lord our God can get us through anything.

Okay, but for the real reason of this blog post... Growing up... We are faced with a number of things. Difficult tasks. Like voting in a president. All I have been hearing about on my twitter feed is "you should vote Romney"...or..."you should vote Obama"

Why is that people try to voice their opinion, as if someone is actually going to listen. As if, its going to change someones vote. When the truth of the matter is, people already have their minds made up LOOOONNNGGG before the debates start. Its simple really. Its either they are going to vote for the current president because they like them, or they are going to vote for the opponent because they dislike the current president. Nothing, no opinion, is going to change that. In the long run, you are going to vote for who you think is best.

So, Why would someone want to grow up to deal with all the pressure of being an adult? I know I wish I was a kid again. But itll be okay because the Lord my God will get me through anything :)

God Bless.

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