Thursday, December 13, 2012

Is it CHRISTmas or Christmas to you?

Over the years I went from a girl who wanted this and that and everything in between for Christmas, to a girl wanting to put CHRIST back into the meaning of CHRISTmas rather than worrying about what gifts I was going to receive. There are so many children and families out there with a whole lot less than what I got, and they are more than happy with their life. Christmas wouldn't be a bad holiday if it weren't for the fact that as I got older, I saw so many people celebrating Christmas for the wrong reasons.. you know, the fictional characters, the presents, the decorating... all of it, people were more worried about that, then the real fact. The real fact that Christmas is to celebrate the birth of our savior, to send joy and love to the lonely, the widows, the orphans, and the unfortunate.

See, Opening my eyes to things like this make it difficult for me to enjoy the fictional part of christmas..even the getting presents part... My mother always asks me for a wish list, and every year it gets shorter and shorter.. part of the reason for that is because I'm getting older, but more of the reason is because I dont NEED anything. I am learning to be grateful and content with what I have. In all honesty, I would be perfectly content if I received less amount of gifts, if I could make a difference somehow with the extra money that was supposed to go to my presents..

How are you celebrating this Christmas? Is it actually CHRISTmas to you? or is it just Christmas?


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